Our wide range of services

From shortlisting to accommodation, we at Gostudy have got your study abroad journey covered. To learn about our premium services offered for free, scroll down below!

Profile Evaluation

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To initiate your study abroad journey, our first step is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of your profile, encompassing your academic achievements, educational background, professional experience, and personal interests. This assessment enables us to recommend tailored options aligned with your preferences and goals. Once we understand your profile and identify the areas that need improvement, we help you make a well-rounded profile. Our expert consultants recognize that universities often exhibit flexibility in their admission requirements, considering factors beyond academic performance. For instance, extensive work experience, relevant projects, and skillsets acquired through practical learning can compensate for academic shortcomings. Leveraging our decade-long expertise, we possess in-depth knowledge of university requirements and flexibility and will draw an extensive list of universities that will be interested in enrolling you. We also engage parents to understand your financial position and other requirements in this phase. Our analysis will also help determine the most suitable country for your studies, considering factors such as language proficiency tests, aptitude exams, and budgetary allocations. Irrespective of your academics, work experience, education gap, deviation in the field of study and work, low grades, and constraints in taking up admission tests, we are sure to get you into the most suited country that has the best career options to set you back on track. You also could be great at academics and want to get into a top tier university. Either way, we can help you out! Before presenting a range of possibilities, share your details, enabling us to provide personalized guidance and support throughout your study abroad journey.

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I have 10+ backlogs in my undergrad, will I be able to apply abroad?

Yes. Backlogs are just one of the many aspects that Universities will look into, so you will be able to apply abroad.

I have not been working for the past 3 years. Will I be able to study abroad?

Yes. Career gap, with proper justification for the same in your admission essay or the SOP can win you admits.

Is it possible with a budget of 20L?

Why not! Sure you can study broad at 8L onwards. This will be just your tuition fee. And as part of the country’s visa requirements, you will produce proof of living expenses.

What are the criteria that Universities look into, for student recruitment?

Generally, for admissions, academics, skills and English language proficiency are considered. Work experience can add value to your application if the course demands it or if your course of study is different from that of the course you want to study.

What are the countries that are best for immigration?

In Europe, its Finland and Sweden. USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand also welcome students with their dependents.

Course Selection

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The whole point of going abroad is to take up a course that falls in line with your career aspirations. We completely understand that it can be overwhelming to decide on a course when there are so many different options. It is obvious that you are more likely to be confused considering a lot of factors that influence your decision. Another challenge that you might face is that your friends might choose a particular course, and you also want to keep up with them. Else, your parents, or seniors might want you to take up a course that has a better scope than the one you decided on. Students mostly decide on courses based on the current scenario or are influenced by peers and seniors who are doing well abroad and decide to study the same. It might work out for some but not for all so our consultants guide you on choosing the course that can work well with your interests, and capabilities and that can add to your resume. First, we will list out courses and then you will shortlist choose based on the modules offered. In some cases, university ranking, and location also taken into consideration by students while choosing a course. Our consultants will have a detailed discussion with you and help you choose the perfect course that has a good scope abroad and back in your home country after you return. Nevertheless, we will help you with the best.

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Is it okay to choose a course based on my interest?

It is crucial that you either have a related course of study at the undergrad or high school level else, you need to have relevant work experience where you have gained the skills to cope with the course you will be studying.

Do I have an added advantage if I have work experience?

If work experience is closely related to the course you are going to apply for, then it will be an advantage.

How do I know which is the best course for me?

Talk with our experts, we will help you sort it out. Based on your study, work experience, skills, we can help you choose what is best for you.

Will backlogs impact my admission?

Backlogs are one aspect only and it depends on the course you didnt clear in the first attempt and also on the University that you are going to study.

Is it possible to study Computer science for Masters even though I have a different UG major?

Yes it is possible. Many countries offer conversion programs exclusively for students who want to change their field of study.

University Shortlisting

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University shortlisting for study abroad students involves selecting a limited number of suitable universities from a vast array of options. Our consultants will assess your profile, including academic performance, test scores, work experience, interests, and career goals. Consultants research universities that align with your profile, considering factors like program offerings, accreditation, rankings, location, and scholarship opportunities. Eligibility Check for each university, considering admission requirements, language proficiency, and visa regulations are done. Based on the research and eligibility check, consultants create a list of universities and shortlist the best match for the student's needs and goals. University Shortlisting is crucial since it helps students focus on a manageable number of universities, saving time and effort. By applying to a curated list of universities, students increase their chances of acceptance. Shortlisting ensures that students find universities that align with their interests, strengths, and career aspirations. Consultants can help students create a strategic application plan, including application timelines, document preparation, and interview preparations. A well-researched shortlist can highlight universities offering scholarships or financial aid, enhancing the student's chances of securing funding. By undergoing university shortlisting, study abroad students can make informed decisions, streamline their application process, and increase their chances of success in securing admission to their preferred universities.

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How many Universities can we apply?

We can apply to any number of universities that you prefer.

How will you shortlist Universities?

Based on your eligibility and the possibilities of getting an admit and also based on previous success rate, we suggest universities and also prioritize your preferences.

How do I decide which universities to apply?

Depends on your criteria for selection. You can give importance to university ranking or the location of the university, and mainly the modules offered.

What factors should I consider while shortlisting universities?

Consider factors like program offerings, accreditation, location, tuition fees, scholarships, faculty expertise, research opportunities, campus facilities, student life, and post-graduation job prospects.

What's the importance of university rankings?

University rankings can provide a general idea of a university's reputation and quality, but don't rely solely on them. Consider other factors that align with your goals and priorities.

How do I research universities?

Research universities through their official websites, social media, online forums, and reviews from current students or alumni. You can also consult university rankings, education fairs, and counseling services.

SOP, LOR Crafting

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Statement Of Purpose and Letter of Recommendation are essential documents that work together to showcase your strengths, motivation, and potential, making your study abroad application more compelling and effective. The significance of supporting documents such as the SOP & LOR is to exhibit your qualitative parameters to the admissions team, proving your capabilities & characteristics. The purpose of the SOP is to introduce you to the admission committee, showcasing your personality, interests, and goals. It should explain why you want to study abroad, your chosen program, and how it aligns with your career aspirations. SOP highlights your academic achievements, skills, and experiences that make you a strong candidate.
It also demonstrates your understanding of the university and program, showing why you're a good fit. A well-written SOP differentiates you from other applicants, making your application more memorable. As far as LOR is concerned, it is a third-party endorsement providing an objective assessment of your abilities, work ethic, and character from an academic or professional mentor. Academic and professional validation for your academic achievements, skills, and experiences, reinforcing your SOP claims. LOR also offers context to your achievements, explaining challenges you overcame and skills you developed. We make sure to draft you a strong LOR & SOP that enhances your credibility, explains your interest, making your application more convincing to the admission committee.

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Will you write the SOP for me?

Yes. We will get basic details from you and understand your interest. Our documentation team will frame an SOP that connects your abilities with your passion and goals.

Is SOP important for college admission?

An SOP is crucial as it helps admission committees understand your motivations, goals, and fit with the program. It showcases your writing skills, clarity of thought, and commitment to your chosen field.

What is included in my SOP?

We include your academic achievements, research experience, skills, career aspirations, reasons for choosing the program and university, and any relevant extracurricular activities. Specific, concise, and authentic information is most welcomed.

Can a weak SOP affect my admission chances?

Yes, a poorly written or generic SOP can negatively impact your admission chances. It may give the impression that you're not serious about the program or haven't taken the time to understand the university's offerings.

How does an SOP help me stand out?

A well-written SOP helps you stand out by highlighting your unique strengths, experiences, and perspectives. It demonstrates your passion and commitment to your chosen field, making you a more attractive candidate.

Application Filling

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A strong application can differentiate you from other applicants and a proper application filing ensures a smooth transition to your chosen program. Our service team at Gostudy ensures all required documents and information are submitted correctly and on time. We make it a point to meet deadlines, avoiding last-minute rush and potential rejection. A well-prepared application creates a positive impression on admission committees and a strong application can differentiate you from other applicants. This means, that we adhere to specific university and program requirements including academics, English language proficiency, supporting documents such as letters of recommendation, admission essay, portfolio. Incomplete or inaccurate applications may lead to rejection in few countries. We make sure that all your supporting documents are also in place, giving room for scholarship opportunities. In most countries, the application you submit for admission is considered for scholarships.

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Why is application filing important for abroad studies?

Application filing is crucial for abroad studies as it ensures accuracy, completeness, and timely submission of documents, increasing chances of acceptance.

What documents are required for application filing?

Documents typically include transcripts, certificates, SOPs, essays, recommendation letters, passport, and language proficiency test scores (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL).

Can I file applications myself?

Yes, but using professional application filing services can simplify the process, reduce errors, and improve chances of acceptance. So its best we file it for you through our service team.

What are common mistakes in application filing?

Common mistakes include incomplete documents, incorrect information, missed deadlines, and poor writing quality.

Can I track my application status?

Yes, most universities provide online portals or contact information for tracking application status and once we file an application, we share the credentials with you.

Admission Interview

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Universities conduct interviews for international students to assess their language proficiency, cultural adaptability, and academic preparedness beyond what's reflected in their transcripts and test scores. It is more of a qualitative parameter to assess your abilities and also, its a chance to explain any setbacks that were previously in your profile. It could be the backlogs or an education gap or a career gap. The interview provides an opportunity for the university to evaluate the student's communication skills, clarity of thought, and ability to express themselves effectively in the language of instruction. Additionally, it allows the university to gauge the student's motivation, goals, and fit with the program, as well as their potential to succeed in a new cultural and academic environment. The interview also gives the university a chance to answer questions and provide information about the program, campus life, and support services, ensuring the student makes an informed decision about their studies. Overall, the interview helps universities make more informed admission decisions and ensures that international students are well-prepared for academic success. Performing well in the admission interview proves your interest so we make sure that you do well in the admission interview.

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Why do I need interview assistance from Gostudy for overseas studies?

To prepare for the university's admission interview, showcase your strengths, and increase your chances of acceptance.

What does interview assistance cover?

Mock interviews, feedback, tips, strategies, common question preparation, language skills improvement, and confidence building.

How will mock interviews help me?

Our team will give hints to identify areas for improvement and fine-tune your responses.

Can interview assistance help with language proficiency?

Yes, improve your language skills, clarity, and fluency to effectively communicate during the interview.

How will I benefit from expert feedback?

Identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement to enhance your performance.

Can interview assistance guarantee admission?

No, but it significantly improves your chances by preparing you for a confident and successful interview.

University Follow up

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University follow-up by Gostudy is a crucial service for students studying abroad, ensuring a seamless and successful application process. After submitting applications, consultancies will track the progress, follow up with universities, and keep students informed about the status of their applications. This proactive approach helps to expedite the process, resolve any issues promptly, and increase the chances of acceptance. We will also verify that all required documents are received by the university, confirm receipt of applications, and pursue updates on application reviews. By maintaining open communication channels with universities, Gostudy can address any concerns or additional requirements, ultimately leading to a successful admission outcome. This follow-up service alleviates students' stress, allowing them to focus on preparations for their studies abroad, while we handle the administrative tasks, ensuring a smooth transition to their chosen program.

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Why is university follow-up necessary?

To ensure timely processing, address issues, and confirm receipt of applications, Gostudy follows up for admission, fee receipts, and any doubts that the student mat have.

Will Gostudy communicate with universities on my behalf?

Yes, they will liaison with universities to resolve issues and provide updates.

Can Gostudy expedite the application process?

Yes, by promptly addressing issues and ensuring all required documents are submitted.

Will I receive updates on my application status?

Yes, we will keep you informed throughout the process. Credentials for the applications done online will be shared with you and all mails from the university will be addressed or copied to you.

Can university follow-up guarantee admission?

No, but it increases chances by ensuring a smooth and timely application process.

Scholarship Guidance

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One of the most common questions before an application is submitted is about scholarships. We do help you in applying for scholarships and we inform the rewards that are offered by universities as well as the country. Many of our students have won full grants and we are proud of it. Scholarship assistance by Gostudy is a valuable service for students planning to study abroad, helping them navigate the complex process of securing financial aid. We will guide you in identifying suitable scholarships, assessing eligibility, and preparing applications. We will also assist with crafting compelling essays, gathering required documents, and submitting applications on time. Additionally, Gostudy often has established relationships with universities and scholarship providers, increasing the chances of securing awards. By leveraging our expertise and knowledge, we can significantly enhance students' prospects of securing scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial assistance. This support enables students to focus on their academic preparations while consultancies handle the scholarship application process, making studying abroad more accessible and affordable.

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What types of scholarships are offered?

International students are eligible for merit-based, need-based, government-funded, university-specific, and private scholarships.

What is the scholarship application process?

Gostudy guides students through eligibility assessment, application preparation, and submission.

Can you guarantee scholarship awards?

No, but they increase chances by ensuring strong applications and timely submissions.

What documents are required for scholarship applications?

Varies, but typically includes transcripts, essays, recommendations, and language proficiency scores.

How early should students apply for scholarships?

6-12 months before program start dates to ensure timely processing.

Can Gostudy help with scholarship essays and applications?

Yes, they provide guidance on crafting compelling essays and preparing strong applications.

Education Loan

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Education loan assistance by Gostudy is a vital service for students planning to study abroad, helping them navigate the complex process of securing financial aid. Gostudy will guide you in identifying suitable loan options, assessing eligibility, and preparing applications. We will also assist with gathering required documents, such as proof of admission, financial statements, and creditworthiness, and submitting applications to banks and financial institutions. Additionally, Gostudy has established relationships with banks and financial services, increasing the chances of securing loans at competitive interest rates. By leveraging their expertise and knowledge, we can significantly enhance your prospects of securing education loans, enabling them to fund their studies abroad. This support includes loan amount calculation, interest rate negotiation, and repayment planning, making studying abroad more accessible and affordable.

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What types of education loans can you assist with?

Government-funded, bank loans, private lender loans, and international student loans

What documents are required for education loan applications?

Proof of admission, financial statements, credit reports, and identification.

How much loan amount can students expect?

Depends on program costs, living expenses, and lender criteria.

What is the loan application process timeline?

Gostudy has a huge network of loan providers and can get your loan approved in ly 2-6 weeks. Depending on lenders, there might be a change in

Visa guidance

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Handling the visa process can be daunting, but with our dedicated visa team, you're never alone. We assign each student a personal visa consultant who manages every aspect of your application. From ensuring that all financial documents—like Income Tax Returns, Liquid Assets, Official Bank Records, and Payslips—are accurately prepared and submitted to advising on how to present your application in the most favourable light, we've got you covered. We don't just stop there. Our team also assists in gathering and organizing academic records, employment documents, and identity proofs, ensuring everything is in perfect order and meets the specific requirements of the country you're applying to. Our consultants are also experts in the nuances of visa applications for various countries, so your documents will be aligned with the specific needs and expectations of each. Additionally, our documentation consultants will help you craft a compelling Visa Statement of Purpose that highlights your academic and career goals while showing your genuine interest in studying abroad. We make certain your Visa SOP meets all requirements and effectively communicates your goals. With our support, from document preparation to submission, you can trust us to manage the whole visa process smoothly, ensuring you meet deadlines without stress. Let us simplify your journey and increase your chances of visa approval.

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How long does the visa process usually take?

Timelines vary by country, but our consultants make sure that all documents are prepared and submitted within the required deadlines to avoid delays.

What if I’m missing some required documents?

We help you identify alternative documents and strategies to meet visa requirements.

How do you handle changes in visa regulations?

Our team stays informed about the latest visa regulations to make sure your application meets all current requirements.

Do you offer virtual consultations for visa guidance?

Yes! We offer flexible consultation options, including in-person, phone, and online meetings to suit your convenience.

What experience do your visa consultants have?

Our consultants have years of experience and up-to-date knowledge of visa processes for various countries.

How much do your visa services cost?

It is completely free!

Visa Interview

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Facing a visa interview can be a stressful experience, but with our visa interview preparation, you can approach it with confidence. We understand that a successful visa interview is an important step, and we are here to make sure you are fully prepared. Our service includes conducting mock interviews that simulate the actual interview environment. These sessions are customized to the specific visa requirements and questions commonly asked by visa officers for your chosen country. During our mock interviews, we focus on helping you express your academic and career goals clearly so that you can effectively convey your genuine interest in studying abroad. We also guide you on how to present your financial stability, academic achievements, and future plans in a way that aligns with what visa officers expect to hear. Our experienced visa consultants provide feedback, emphasizing on areas where you can improve and offering tips to improve your overall presentation. Our goal is that you are not only prepared but also relaxed and self-assured when facing your visa interview. By simulating the real interview scenario, we help you refine your responses and build the confidence needed to succeed. With our visa interview preparation, you can enter the interview room with the confidence that you are ready to make a strong, positive impression. Trust us to guide you through this crucial step and increase your chances of securing your student visa.

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How are mock interviews customized for my specific visa type?

Our consultants customize each mock interview based on the visa requirements and common questions for your destination country.

Can you help me with answers to difficult questions?

Yes! We provide guidance on how to answer challenging questions that might arise during the interview.

Can I schedule mock interviews at my convenience?

Absolutely! We can provide flexible scheduling to suit your availability.

Are mock interviews conducted one-on-one?

Yes, each mock interview is a one-on-one session with an experienced consultant.

Can you help me if English isn’t my first language?

Of course! We provide tips and practice to help you communicate clearly and confidently in English.

How successful are your students in passing their visa interviews?

Our students have a high success rate thanks to thorough preparation and guidance.

Travel & Accommodation

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The study abroad journey is far from over after securing admission and a visa. It extends to the excitement of travelling to a new country, where each step, from packing to boarding the flight, will set the stage for a journey beyond academics, shaping your education, global perspective, and personal growth. Our efforts to provide you with the best study abroad experience extend to finding the best travel deals and safe accommodation spots at your convenience. Finding the right travel and accommodation deal can be a herculean task without proper guidance, we at Gostudy have a team of experts who are experienced in booking the best flight deals that perfectly fall within your budget well before in advance. Additionally, through our extensive network and tie-ups, we can help you find your home away from your home, either at the heart of the city or close to the university. Moreover, your safety is our priority, and all our accommodation spots are verified, which would be a peaceful place for your study journey. At Gostudy, we value every student’s unique preferences; to ensure that all our student’s queries are addressed, we offer personalised consultation to tailor your travel and accommodation options. Hence, trust us with your travel plans while you work on your study abroad plans.

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Can I get an accommodation spot close to the university?

Yes, you can, and through our extensive network, we can help you find room options at your desired price.

Will I get assistance for booking my flight?

Yes, our expert team will assist you with booking flight tickets at the best price.

Can I get shared room options to reduce costs?

Yes, Our financial partners will help you find suitable study loan offers.

When should I book my flight tickets?

Book your tickets 15 days before the start of your program.

Should I book my accommodation before travel or after travel?

Booking your accommodation before your travel is recommended, and our team will find you the best accommodation spots at the best price.

Can I trust Gostudy to book my travel and accommodation?

Yes, Gostudy has a team of industrial experts with a proven track record of sealing the best deals for our students.

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Do you want us to help you?

No processing fee | Application fee waiver
€4000 Scholarship on admit | SOP & LOR preparation
Education Loan | Visa Assistance


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Do you want us to help you?

No processing fee | Application fee waiver
€4000 Scholarship on admit | SOP & LOR preparation
Education Loan | Visa Assistance


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